Saturday, June 30, 2012

Environment Agency on look out for illegal 'Green' Waste!

The Environment have been warned to be on the look out for 'Green Waste' that isn't...........Green. Sadly farmers are either buying (or in some cases given) this waste to use on Agricultural Land, and it is illegal to do so. The toxins in the glues are damaging to both land and nature, and could find themselves into local streams.

More to follow.......................

MDF Green Waste on Agricultural Land Illegal!!

Green waste containing treated MDF, Fibreboard, Woodchip, Metals, etc cannot be used on agriculral land under exemption U10, U11 and U13 


Waste types 
020103, 191207, 200201 
Untreated wood and plant matter 

Spreading of plant matter to confer benefit 

Waste types 
020103, 020107, 020304, 200201 
Plant tissue only 

Spreading waste on agricultural land to confer benefit 

Waste types 
010102, 010408, 170504, 020106, 020401, 020399, 020199, 100101, 170506, 020199, 190599, 190604, 190812 
Chalk only 
Farmyard and horse manure only 
Soil from cleaning and washing fruit and vegetables only 
Milk from agricultural premises only 
Ash from wood chip boilers produced pursuant to an operation described in the paragraph numbered U4 in this chapter only 
Dredging spoil (other than those mentioned in 170505) generated from the creation or maintenance of habitats, ditches or ponds within parks, gardens, fields and forests only 
Spent compost from the growing of mushrooms only 
Compost produced pursuant to a treatment described in the paragraph numbered T23 or T26 of Chapter 2 only 
Digestate produced pursuant to a treatment described in the paragraph numbered T24 or T25 of Chapter 2 only 
Waste consisting of biobed or biofilter material produced pursuant to a treatment described in the paragraph numbered T32 of Chapter 2 only 


Monday, June 25, 2012

NCMD meet to discuss Green Waste

For the benefit of members from the OGM on 24.06.12;

1:There is to be a Parliamentary Debate concerning "Recreational Access to the Countrside" as such the NCMD(as members of SARA, Sport & Recreational Alliance) have been invited to,and have submitted, a briefing note as to what restricts members from accessing the countryside in pursuit of their hobby and to make recommendations thereon.
Top of the list; Contaminated Green Waste. The summary line of the three paragraphs is as follows;

"The dumping of such material is nothing short of legalised fly tipping and is unacceptable. It has to be stopped.

2:An NCMD "Green Waste" sub-commitee has been set up to expand the current dossier of information that can be presented at all Parliamentary & associated working groups the NCMD take part in. Information can be sent by members through clubs via their regional reps, the NCMD forum or any committee members. We are looking for pictures & locations (to postcode only!).
It was also discussed that any member of the public can report incidences of CGW (spread or piled for future use) to the Environment Agency who are obliged to act on such reports. It is recommended that detectorists,where appropriate, discuss CGW contents with their farmers first rather than risk alienating the very people whose help we need to overcome this problem.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

This just makes you want to cry!

I've just received the latest photos from a metal detecting rally last weekend, where Green Waste had been dumped on the fields. Circuit boards, plastic, glass, medical waste

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 and Toxiccompost Twitter

For those who are as concerned as we are about the ongoing developments in the Toxic Compost being spread on the farmers fields, please follow our Twitter account and website.



Sunday, June 10, 2012

Latest count 856

Well the campaign is in full swing but we really need more people to contact their MP's and sign the petition.

The petition can be signed below.